Saturday, September 29, 2007

Featured Site:

Here's a tidbit about this week's featured online store, Kids Unplugged:

Our Mission:

At Kids Unplugged we offer a variety of quality wooden toys and games that inspire children to use creativity and develop their imaginations. Our toys have few adult prescribed uses and rely on your child’s imagination instead. They are not battery powered…they are kids powered. Better toys for bigger minds!

Hi my name is Samantha Suter and I am the founder and owner of Kids Unplugged. Established in 2004, we are a small home-based business in San Diego, California, with a passion for what we provide. In the hope of creating a more creative and nurturing environment for my own children I began to explore the concept of non-electronic and open-ended, wooden toys. As parents, we want to inspire our children to develop their imaginations through creative play. A sort of “back-to-basics” approach…no batteries required. I have always appreciated finding noise free, educational toys, and in our family we believe that quality far outweighs quantity when it comes to our children.

We support reforestation projects, and many of our toy makers are actively involved in replanting what they harvest. We have found that many parents in our local community share our desire for high integrity, well-made, open-ended toys for their children and grandchildren. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring these toys not only to our own children, but to our community as well.

Are these toys safe?

At Kids Unplugged we take safety very seriously. We take tremendous pride in only providing safe, high quality wooden toys and games for children of all ages. All of our toys are made from natural, and nontoxic materials with consideration to their effect on the environment. The paints used on our toys are non-toxic, eco-friendly lacquers (polypheyl acetate based). The colors do not contain heavy metals and many are given a beeswax finish to ensure durability. We would like to assure our customers, that none of the brands or toys offered in our store were involved in the recent recalls.

Thanks, Samantha!

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